Fresh Layers Music
3 min readJul 19, 2020

Q: If you were to choose comedy over music, what would your go-to skit be and who would you want it to be with?

A: My biggest inspiration is Chris Farley, There is a video of him that I’ve watched hundreds of times watch where he is on Letterman and runs through the audience screaming and the energy out of this guy is insane. I’m sure he was coked out but the room turns into a riot in seconds. I wanted to go to clown college but couldn’t get in, I’m a huge fan of slapstick comedy and when done right is unbeatable. i’ve tried stand up and I hate it. I like toying around with this character who has no idea what he is doing or is extremely nervous. My goal at live shows is to embarrass myself so badly in the first 60 seconds that then my nerves can subside because I release the show can’t get any worse. I guess I would wanna do improv. I worked as a PA on the Eric Andre show and essentially got to live in the wonderful world of manic wet dream.

Q: Who inspires your comedy?

A: In my personal life its always been teachers, parents and friends. I had a teacher in high school who taught AP music theory and he was like a walking skit. Everything he did was beyond hilarious. I started taking notes. one day we were in his class running scales and there was only like 9 of us in the class. He would play along on the piano and we would sing with him. He had a giant big gulp on the piano and talked with his hands. He screamed “Sing Dammit!!!” and in one fail swoop of his hand, he knocked over the entire big gulp into the belly of the piano where the strings lay. He started panicking, yelling for help. he rushed to the tissues and tried to clean it up with tissues (they were the closest thing in reach). we were falling out of our seats and he was screaming at us that we weren’t helping as he’s frantically pacing back in forth about how the school is gonna fire him. I also grew up watching tons of stand up but I soon realized if you wanna really see something mesmerizing… go to an open mic.

Q: Where did you get the name “FloppyDiskButtBaby?”

I love the old aim names we would make. bluntsmoker666, Pizzatits420. I don’t really know it was the first thing that came to my head.

Q: Why do you break glass bottles on your head during performances?

A: I want everyone who attends the show to have a story to go home with. If people are paying money to see me, I’m gonna give em a show and sometimes I get a little too into it and carried away hehe.

Q: How was growing up in LA? How did the city influence your music? Do you think growing up there had any affect on your music?

A: Los Angeles is home. My father was born here, His father was born here. The city helped craft the music for sure. There is so much to do, I really was inspired by surf music when I first started but the funny part was I used to hate the beach, but a year on the east coast can really change your perspective.

Q: What do popsicles symbolize?

A: I had friends who were taking photos with how many cigarettes can they fit in their mouth. I don’t smoke so I went with popsicles. :)

Q: Tell me 3 things that the public may not know that you’re comfortable sharing.

A: I’m Claustrophobic. I’ve seen The Aquabats live 13 times. I’m in the Silversun Pickups music video “Lazy Eye” try n spot me hehe.

Here’s a few fun questions…

Q: What movie would be most hilariously improved by making it into a musical?

A: Cars 2.

Q: If you were an inanimate object, what would you be and why?

A: I guess like a tombstone cause Nobody would fuck with you.

- Worn-Tin

